
It's like free education

Since I stopped working last October, I have no income, so I try to spend money wisely.
In order to do that, I have been looking for free seminars or lectures instead of taking English classes which I need to pay for.
I recall three years ago, I went to a couple of free ESL classes to fill my free time. Now, things are different. My level of English is kind of beyond ESL level. I am sure I can still learn something if I go, but they don't catch my interest any more.
Anyway, I finally found something which can fill my free time. Since Tuesday, I have gone to seminars and lectures open to public in U of T three days in a row.
The first one was quite interesting and entertaining but yesterday's and today's weren't interesting as much as the first one. They were about environmental issues which I am not familiar with. That could be one of reasons I didn't get interested.
I can't actually complain about it because it's free and not ESL. But it would have been better that lecturers knew how to make their presentation interesting. Today's was worse. Some audience left in the middle of the seminar but I was there until the end. It was still helpful for me to pick up some difficult terms which I don't usually hear from my friends.
Seminars and free lectures continues until the end of March like three days every week, so I can go there and get some free education and learn more English for the time being.

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