
Ahn hyun soo and a bit of subtitle work

I found the video of Ahn hyun soo made by SBS, a Korean broadcasting company, on a Korean website yesterday.
Once I thought about making that kind of video and put it on Youtube to let people know how good Ahn hyun soo is but I've been just lazy to do so but not that lazy to download that video and
put a little bit of English subtitle in that video and upload it to Youtube.
Here they are.

World #1 Short track skater, Korean, Ahn hyun soo

- part1

- part2

- part3 + subtitle

He broke his kneecap after he hit fences so hard at a practice. So, he had a surgery and is now recovering. The hospital said that he can get back to ice after 3 months or so.
I am disappointed that I can't see his 6 time consecutive winning at World but glad that the injury is not going to stop his skating career.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made this video last year :)
I noticed that someone posted it on Youtube, but the quality of the videos looked too bad that I wanted to send you my original copy but decided to post them on my own. I can send you the original video if you want.